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Scotland's Solidarity Party Stands against Racism and Islamophobia

At its conference in Govan on Saturday 4 July, Solidarity agreed to make opposition to racism, Islamophobia and the Government's 'Prevent' programme one of the key demands the party will be promoting in the 2016 Holyrood election.  Solidarity opposes austerity and is demanding a second referendum on Scottish independence to be held by 2018.

The party will be standing in each of Scotland's 8 regional list areas. Solidarity Convener Tommy Sheridan will head the party's regional list in Glasgow.

The demand included in the party's election statement is:


Solidarity will demand that the Scottish Parliament stands against racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia and for the rights of minorities, migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees. We will demand that the Scottish Parliament uses its powers to oppose and limit the effects of the UK Government's Islamophobic 'Prevent' programme, which intrudes on matters devolved to the Scottish Government and requires public sector workers to act as spies and propaganda agents for the government, supposedly to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. We support the decision of the UCU to boycott 'Prevent' and we encourage other trade unions to take a similar stance. Racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and homophobia are against the interests of the whole of the working class. The unity needed to defeat austerity cannot be built without fighting at the same time to defeat racism."

SACC urges other political parties and trade union branches to adopt similar resolutions.