MP Roger Mullin calls for answers on Sheku Bayoh's death to be made public
21 July 2015 - SACC
Roger Mullin, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeat, has today announced that he will be writing to Stephen House, Chief Constable of Police Scotland, over the death of Sheku Bayoh. In a a statement issued this morning he said:
"Following a meeting with the family of Sheku Bayoh on Sunday morning, as a follow-up to an earlier meeting at Westminster, Roger Mullin MP said,
"I am pleased to confirm that I have agreed with the family to write this week to Sir Stephen House, Chief Constable of Police Scotland, seeking a meeting regarding the way in which Police Scotland have dealt with the family since the tragic events of 3rd May 2015."
Mr Mullin went on to say,
"It is a matter of public interest to find out exactly what happened and what the circumstances of the death were. I will therefore continue to call for the release of the PIRC ( Police Investigations and Review Commissioner) report, to allow the findings to be reviewed by the family's legal representatives and others."
MP Roger Mullin calls for answers on Sheku Bayoh's death to be made public
The Justice for Sheku Bayoh Campaign will be launched at the Renfield Centre in Glasgow on Saturday 25 July. SACC urges everyone conerned over the issue to come along.