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Tibetan National Uprising Day in Edinburgh

Tibetans and other supporters of Tibetan freedom held a demonstration in Edinburgh on Sunday 10 March to mark the anniversary of the 1958 Lhasa Uprising against Chinese rule.

The demonstration was organised by Edinburgh University Tibet Society with support from the Tibetan community of Scotland, the Tibet Society UK, Students for a Free Tibet, the Kashmir Solidarity Movement and other groups. Demonstrations were around the world on 10 March, including London, Brussels, Berlin, New York, Washington DC, Melbourne, Sydney, Delhi, Mumbai, Tokyo, Madrid, Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro.

The demonstrators in Edinburgh held a rally at the Mound and then marched through the city to the Chinese Consulate in Corstorphine. They carried placards with photographs representing the 107 Tibetans who have set fire to themselves in protest against Chinese rule.

More about Tibetan National Uprising Day

What you can do

  • Contact your MP and MSPs and ask them to stand up for the human rights and the right to self-determination of the Tibetan people. You can contact them using
  • Contact the Chinese embassy and call for freedom for Tibet - see the list of Chinese embassies for contact details.
  • To find out more about Edinburgh University Tibet Society, visit their Facebook page or their website.