Did your MP vote for more war or to bring the troops home?
14 September 2010 - SACC
On Thursday 9 September 2010 MPs voted in the parliament for the first time on the war in Afghanistan. Only 310 MPs, less than half the total in parliament, bothered to turn up to vote, of which only 16 called for the troops to come home now, as opinion polls show more than 70 per cent of the British public wants. Was your MP one of the 16? Did your MP vote?
Any MP not in either of the lists below, did not vote on one of the most important issues any parliament faces: whether to wage war against another country.
Contact your MP with the instant e-Lobby
Use the Stop the War Coalition's e-Lobby tool to write to your MP, either to send congratulations for voting to bring the troops home, or to demand to know why they voted for more war, or why they did not vote at all. It takes just a couple of minutes.
Motion debated on 9 September 2010:
"That this House supports the continued deployment of UK armed forces in Afghanistan."
Transcript of the debate
Voted to bring the troops home
Baron, Mr John (Con, Basildon and Billericay)Clark, Katy (Lab, North Ayrshire and Arran)Corbyn, Jeremy (Lab, Islington North)Cryer, John (Lab, Leyton and Wanstead)Edwards, Jonathan (PC, Carmarthen East and Dinefwr)Hoey, Kate (Lab, Vauxhall)Hopkins, Kelvin (Lab, Luton North)Huppert, Dr Julian (LDem, Cambridge)Lazarowicz, Mark (Lab, Edinburgh North and Leith)Lucas, Caroline (Green, Brighton, Pavilion)McDonnell, John (Lab, Hayes and Harlington)Skinner, Mr Dennis (Lab, Bolsover)Turner, Karl (Lab, Kingston upon Hull East)Winnick, Mr David (Lab, Walsall North
Tellers for the Noes:
John Hemming and Paul Flynn
Voted for continuing the war
Adams, NigelAfriyie, AdamAinsworth, rh Mr BobAldous, PeterAlexander, HeidiAllen, Mr GrahamAmess, Mr DavidAndrew, StuartArbuthnot, rh Mr JamesBacon, Mr RichardBagshawe, Ms LouiseBain, Mr WilliamBaker, NormanBaker, SteveBaldry, TonyBaldwin, HarriettBarclay, StephenBarker, GregoryBebb, GutoBellingham, Mr HenryBenyon, RichardBerry, JakeBingham, AndrewBinley, Mr BrianBirtwistle, GordonBlackman, BobBlackwood, NicolaBlunt, Mr CrispinBoles, NickBone, Mr PeterBottomley, PeterBrady, Mr GrahamBrake, TomBray, AngieBrazier, Mr JulianBridgen, AndrewBrine, Mr SteveBrokenshire, JamesBrooke, AnnetteBrown, rh Mr NicholasBruce, FionaBruce, rh MalcolmBuckland, Mr RobertBurley, Mr AidanBurns, ConorBurns, Mr SimonBurrowes, Mr DavidBurstow, Mr PaulBurt, AlistairByles, DanCairns, AlunCampbell, rh Sir MenziesCarmichael, Mr AlistairCarmichael, NeilCarswell, Mr DouglasChishti, RehmanChope, Mr ChristopherClark, rh GregClarke, rh Mr KennethClifton-Brown, GeoffreyCoffey, Dr ThérèseCollins, DamianColvile, OliverCox, Mr GeoffreyCrabb, StephenCrouch, TraceyDavies, David T. C. (Monmouth)Davis, rh Mr Davidde Bois, NickDorrell, rh Mr StephenDorries, NadineDowd, JimDoyle-Price, JackieDrax, RichardDuddridge, JamesDuncan Smith, rh Mr IainDunne, Mr PhilipEfford, CliveEllis, MichaelEllison, JaneEllwood, Mr TobiasElphicke, CharlieEngel, NataschaEustice, GeorgeEvans, GrahamEvans, JonathanFabricant, MichaelFallon, MichaelFarrelly, PaulFeatherstone, LynneField, Mr MarkFitzpatrick, JimFox, rh Dr LiamFrancois, rh Mr MarkFreeman, GeorgeFreer, MikeFullbrook, LorraineFuller, RichardGale, Mr RogerGapes, MikeGardiner, BarryGarnier, Mr EdwardGarnier, MarkGauke, Mr DavidGeorge, AndrewGibb, Mr NickGilbert, StephenGillan, rh Mrs CherylGlen, JohnGove, rh MichaelGray, Mr JamesGrayling, rh ChrisGreen, DamianGreen, KateGreening, JustineGrieve, rh Mr DominicGriffiths, AndrewGummer, BenGyimah, Mr SamHague, rh Mr WilliamHames, DuncanHammond, rh Mr PhilipHammond, StephenHancock, MatthewHands, GregHarper, Mr MarkHarrington, RichardHarris, RebeccaHart, SimonHayes, Mr JohnHealey, rh JohnHeath, Mr DavidHeaton-Harris, ChrisHenderson, GordonHendry, CharlesHerbert, rh NickHoban, Mr MarkHodgson, Mrs SharonHollingbery, GeorgeHollobone, Mr PhilipHolloway, Mr AdamHopkins, KrisHorwood, MartinHowarth, rh Mr GeorgeHowell, JohnHughes, SimonHunt, rh Mr JeremyHurd, Mr NickJackson, Mr StewartJavid, SajidJenkin, Mr BernardJohnson, GarethJohnson, JosephJones, AndrewJones, Mr DavidJones, Mr KevanKawczynski, DanielKeen, AlanKelly, ChrisKennedy, rh Mr CharlesKirby, SimonKwarteng, KwasiLaing, Mrs EleanorLancaster, MarkLatham, PaulineLaws, rh Mr DavidLeadsom, AndreaLee, JessicaLee, Dr PhillipLefroy, JeremyLeigh, Mr EdwardLeslie, CharlotteLetwin, rh Mr OliverLewis, BrandonLewis, Dr JulianLiddell-Grainger, Mr IanLidington, Mr DavidLilley, rh Mr PeterLloyd, StephenLopresti, JackLord, JonathanLoughton, TimLuff, PeterLumley, KarenMacleod, MaryMain, Mrs AnneMaude, rh Mr FrancisMay, rh Mrs TheresaMaynard, PaulMcCartney, JasonMcCartney, KarlMcIntosh, Miss AnneMcLoughlin, rh Mr PatrickMcPartland, StephenMcVey, EstherMeale, Mr AlanMenzies, MarkMetcalfe, StephenMiller, MariaMills, NigelMitchell, rh Mr AndrewMoon, Mrs MadeleineMordaunt, PennyMorgan, NickyMorris, Anne MarieMorris, DavidMorris, JamesMosley, StephenMowat, DavidMulholland, GregMunt, TessaMurray, SheryllMurrison, Dr AndrewNeill, RobertNewmark, Mr BrooksNewton, SarahNokes, CarolineNuttall, Mr DavidO'Brien, Mr StephenOfford, Mr MatthewOllerenshaw, EricOsborne, rh Mr GeorgeOttaway, RichardPaice, Mr JamesPatel, PritiPaterson, rh Mr OwenPenning, MikePercy, AndrewPerkins, TobyPerry, ClairePhillips, StephenPickles, rh Mr EricPincher, ChristopherPoulter, Dr DanielPound, StephenPritchard, MarkRaab, Mr DominicRandall, rh Mr JohnReckless, MarkRees-Mogg, JacobReevell, SimonReid, Mr AlanRobathan, Mr AndrewRobertson, Mr LaurenceRosindell, AndrewRudd, AmberRussell, BobRutley, DavidSandys, LauraSeabeck, AlisonSelous, AndrewSharma, AlokShelbrooke, AlecSimmonds, MarkSimpson, Mr KeithSkidmore, ChrisSmith, HenrySmith, JulianSmith, Sir RobertSoames, NicholasSoubry, AnnaSpellar, rh Mr JohnSpelman, rh Mrs CarolineStanley, rh Sir JohnStephenson, AndrewStevenson, JohnStewart, BobStewart, IainStride, MelStuart, Ms GiselaStunell, AndrewSturdy, JulianSwayne, Mr DesmondSwire, Mr HugoSyms, Mr RobertTeather, SarahTimms, rh StephenTomlinson, JustinTredinnick, DavidTruss, ElizabethTurner, Mr AndrewTwigg, DerekUppal, PaulVara, Mr ShaileshVickers, MartinVilliers, rh Mrs TheresaWalker, Mr CharlesWalker, Mr RobinWallace, Mr BenWard, Mr DavidWatkinson, AngelaWatson, Mr TomWeatherley, MikeWebb, SteveWharton, JamesWheeler, HeatherWhite, ChrisWhittingdale, Mr JohnWiggin, BillWilletts, rh Mr DavidWilliams, RogerWilliams, StephenWilliamson, GavinWilson, Mr RobWollaston, Dr SarahWoodcock, JohnWright, Mr IainWright, JeremyYeo, Mr TimZahawi, Nadhim
Tellers for the Ayes:
Mark Hunter andMr Robert Goodwill