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Guantanamo men speak out in Scotland

Moazzam Begg (former Guantánamo prisoner and spokesman for Cageprisoners), Omar Deghayes, (former Guantánamo prisoner) and Chris Arendt, (former Guantánamo guard) spoke at public meetings in Glasgow and Edinburgh on 30 and 31 January 2009. They were joined on the panel by Aamer Anwar (human rights lawyer) and, in Glasgow, by Josh Brown (Glasgow Stop The War Coalition).

The meetings were part of a national tour presented by Cageprisoners and supported in Scotland by SACC, the Stop the War Coalition, the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the Islamic Society of Edinburgh University, the Federation of Student Islamic Societies and Scottish Media Workers Against the War.

Moazzam Begg, Glasgow 30 January 2009

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Omar Deghayes, Glasgow 30 January 2009

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Chris Arendt, Glasgow 30 January 2009

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