Rendition to be debated by STUC
20 March 2006 - SACC
A motion calling for action over rendition flights will be coming up at the STUC Conference in Perth (12-14 April). It's a composite of motions submitted by Dundee TUC and Community Union and will be debated on Wednesday 12 April
Rendition Flights Composite S (covering motions 106 and 107)
That this Congress believes that there are sufficient grounds to justify an independent inquiry into the use of Scottish airports by CIA rendition flights, and notes decisions already taken by the Governments of Sweden, Spain and Iceland, by the European Union and the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, to undertake similar such enquiries.
Torture is an affront to every principle of human decency, and Congress condemns the use of torture wherever and whenever it may occur. It notes that torture constitutes a crime under Scots and International Law and asserts its commitment to Article 4 of the UN Convention Against Torture, noting that this refers not only to acts of torture but to 'an attempt to commit torture and to an act by any person which constitutes complicity or participation in torture'.
Congress calls upon the Scottish Executive to take any immediate action necessary to stop and ensure that there are no rendition flights routed through any Scottish Airports.
Congress further calls on Scottish police forces to take steps to bring into custody anyone who lands these planes in Scotland, or who assists these flights in full knowledge of their purpose, and that they afford protection to people being held illegally or otherwise ill-treated on these planes.
Mover - Community
Seconder - Dundee Trades Union Council
SACC is arranging a fringe meeting (supported by Dundee TUC and Community Union) in Perth 12.30-2pm on Tuesday 11 April at Brennans, 38, St. John St. A buffet lunch will be provided