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SACC Lothian Election Hustings

Human Rights Hustings, Edinburgh
Mon 25 Apr 2016 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Augustine United Church
41 George IV Bridge

Human Rights and Anti-Racism Hustings

Doors Open 7.15pm.

Where do the parties competing for  Lothian regional list seats stand on the SACC policy for an anti-racist, pro-rights parliament? Come and ask them.

Confirmed speakers: Cat Headley (Labour), Jacquie Bell (Lib Dems), Colin Fox (RISE), Lorna Slater (Greens), Kevin Gore (Solidarity), Kate MacDonald (Women's Equality Party), Alex Stewart Clark (Conservatives, constituency candidate for Mid Fife and Glenrothes) and Alison Dickie (SNP, constituency candidate for Edinburgh Central).

Lee Chalmers, list candidate for the Women's Equality Party (WEP),  was previously advertised as speaking but is unable to attend due to bereavement and sends her apologies. Kate MacDonald will be speaking for WEP instaed.

The hustings will be chaired by Zahid Ali

Livestream of the event

Event on Facebook (please share)

You can ask the candidates anything relevant to the Scottish election that you want (or you can just sit and listen to the discussion), but questions on issues around SACC's key policies would be particularly appreciated.

  • NO to the racist PREVENT strategy
  • YES to refugees
  • NO to military recruitment in schools
  • YES to effective controld over stop and search
  • NO to the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act
  • YES to the Human Rights Act
  • NO to mass surveillance

SACC Policy for the Scottish election.

Livestream provided by Independence Live. Please consider donating to them.