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Statement by Kadiiartu Johnson (sister of Sheku Bayoh)

Statement read out at the Edinburgh press conference on 14 May on behalf of the family of Sheku Bayoh by his sister Kadiiartu Johnson (aged 37- Staff Nurse).

Sheku was the only boy in my family and had three elder sisters; he was always our baby brother. Sheku moved to this country from Sierra Leone when he was 11 years old and moved to Scotland when he was 17 because I was living in Kirkcaldy. He had grown up to be a hard working father, who lived for his two boys and was always so proud of them and loved his partner Collette.

He was a kind man at the heart of his community and loved by so many people. My family is grateful for all the message of support and condolences we have received from hundreds of his friends and acquaintances.

At this point in time our family is heartbroken, not able to grieve; his body is still in mortuary all alone. Even once we have buried my baby brother we will not be able to grieve until we know the truth.

I still cannot believe that Police Scotland chose to lie to my family just hours after my brother's death.

Even at 3pm on Sunday they were claiming that they were looking for two people and that a member of the public had found Sheku lying on the street.

Several versions of events were given to my family for several hours after his death until finally we were finally told he had died in police custody in early evening.

All we are asking for is the truth of what actually happened to my brother Sheku on morning of Sunday 3rd May. We all have grave concerns at the role of Police Scotland and are asking the Lord Advocate and the Police Investigation Review Commissioner PIRC to help us get the truth. Thank you.

Also see:

Statement by Aamer Anwar, solicitor for the family of Sheku Bayoh.

Statement by Collette Bell, Sheku Bayoh's partner