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About your Donation

SACC doesn't have paid staff. We depend on the unpaid voluntary efforts of our members. All the money you donate will be spent on direct support for our campaigning work. We need the money to book meeting rooms, publish leaflets, cover travel costs, maintain our website and meet other similar costs. A small proportion of our funds is spent on affiliation fees and donations to other organisations we support.

Decisions about how we spend our money are taken by discussion amongst our members. If you want to be part of the discussion, join us. Membership only costs £5 per year if you waged, or £3 per year if you are unwaged. Organisations can affiliate for £20 per year.

Under our constitution, SACC funds may be used for any purpose that is not incompatible with SACC’s aims.

You donate in three ways:

  • Via Paypal. You don't need a Paypal account; you can use most credit and debit cards. There is no limit to the amount you can donate by Paypal, but we would prefer donations of more then £200 to be made by direct transfer to our bank account (see below).
  • By cheque, posted to the address here. If you donate by cheque, please send us a message saying you have done so. We don't check our post every day, so it may take us a long time to get your donation if you don't tell us about it.
  • By direct transfer to the SACC bank account. Please contact us for our account details if you wish to make a donation.